Love teen? What would be sweet? William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet we are all familiar with the infamous game. It was a perfect example of young love. As Juliet, the main female cast has yet reached age fourteen at the start of the game. However, Romeo Alter was not betrayed. Many thought he was older than Julia. Unfortunately, their love story in a tragedy ends.

"Loving someone releases them to let her go." By Kate Winslet
Kate Winslet is a famous Hollywood star, that many young people looked on. For people who are not familiar, from her, she was the female actor in the popular film "Titanic". The film offers a different state of life also love between two people. We go back to the quote you mentioned a very simple rule on love. People should be especially with love never selfish. If you love, keep the person itself. Make this person free of charge. Keep the person you love in bondage can only to him or go further away from you. In addition, Hesse has a similarity with the this quote by Herman by Winslet. Herman Hesse cited: "some of us think sticking to us makes strong;., but sometimes letting go is" of course, love is selfless.
"Time heals grief and strife, because we are no longer the same people to change." by Pascal
As they say, there is no permanent thing in this world except for the change. We all move on, we all grow. Every time we grow wiser and tougher. At the appropriate time would heal all wounds. In life, people experience different things that would change perspective and approach to the life of the person. If we are dramatically in the last year, we will be dramatic and more practical and useful.
"Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing Monkey bars. You have to let go at some point to move forward. "unknown
Kids will love it with jungle gym play. Crossing over can be a little painful. Similarly as in any failed relationship, if you move with life, experienced pain and suffering want, is inevitable. You can cry a little and even depressed. However, at the end of the day, you will surpass to move all of it and able with life, as you should be.
"Forgive your mistakes and your mistakes and move on." By Les Brown
Learning how to forgive is a breath of fresh air. It will help you to unwind and go more easily. With negative thoughts can slow down. You'll see that negative thoughts are you bitter. Certainly they are more than that.
"Each output is an admission somewhere." By Tom Stoppard
Yes, that's true. It means that breaking up is not the end of the world. Maybe you meet someone better on the path. Don't stop believing in love.
Teen love is an unforgettable experience for everyone. We all went through. But we all have different coping mechanism. Don't be too hard on yourself. Maybe this is a chance for you to get to know better. With supportive family and friends can move on easier. If you want inspiration, read the above quotes and surround yourself with positive things.